Tuesday, October 15, 2024




Take your Network Security Skill Set to the next level, look at the attack surface of your Enterprise Network from an attackers perspective and proactively mitigate risks.

WIKI: https://www.netexec.wiki/

GITHUB: https://github.com/Pennyw0rth/NetExec?tab=readme-ov-file#readme

TUTORIAL:  https://medium.com/@nantysean/enumerating-a-corporate-network-with-netexec-7be7537b537d 


Sunday, October 13, 2024

CYBER SECURITY TIDBIT's:  Numerous great WIN64 Security / Hacking Tools Repository

"...Privilege escalation is when a threat actor gains elevated access and administrative rights to system(s) by exploiting security vulnerabilities. By modifying identity permissions to grant themselves increased rights and admin capabilities, attackers can conduct malicious activities, potentially resulting in significant damages.

Systems have different levels of privileges, which range from basic users with limited permissions to administrators with complete control. A successful privilege escalation incident means that an attacker has managed to escalate their own privilege level, thereby gaining increased control.

Cyber attackers use privilege escalation to open up new attack vectors on a target system. This enables them to evolve attacks from simple malware infections to catastrophic data breaches and network intrusions..."

Quoted from https://www.proofpoint.com/us/threat-reference/privilege-escalation 

Bruce Schneier on "...Privilege Escalation...", the absolute Master of all things Cyber Security weighs in...

Out here in the real world, world class Cyber Security Practitioners should always be on the look out for tools to monitor potential vulnerabilities that will modify their known attack vectors, here is a great repository of such tool...

Be that stand out Practicioner, gain mastery with these tools, increase your Business's odds of NOT being the next to have their reputation splattered all over the front of the Wall Street Journal...

You can do it....be THAT guy or gal...