Thursday, May 3, 2018

...on being bought and sold like a slave...

Some key take away's from the Cambridge Analytica "event"...

As a consumer, don't allow yourself to be misled, this is a classic, "...shiny object..." media slight of hand con.  Ask yourself, who is benefiting from this?  

Cambridge bought data from Facebook, the onus is on Facebook to only sell what their customers/privacy agreements allow.

Cambridge's leadership team needs a communications transplant, give Rob Weinhold over at the Fallston Group a call, stat!

Many entities are looking at what was brought to light about Cambridge as an indicator of a much larger problem/concern related to consumer data protection, that is a good thing.

This is not so much a Cambridge problem as an industry problem. 

Install "Lightbeam" in your Firefox browser, let it run and watch the 3rd party data exchanges (since 12 APR 2018 I've visited 285 sites and they've shared my data with thousands of otehr sites), many of these sites, I've "opted out" of data sharing, tracking, etc....but the "sharing" continues none the less.

Granted no one seems to like what Cambridge (and other company's) do or are doing, but, When you opted in by not reading the privacy agreement, this is what you get.

Caveat Emptor -- the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality and suitability of goods before a purchase is made, sage advice.

The Fallston Group - make the call!

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